Climate change is a real thing negatively affecting a lot of countries across the globe and Zimbabwe has not been spared. Climate change has seen the moderate decrease of rainfall in a lot of areas in Zimbabwe leading to water shortages for everyday use with pending droughts a possibility that could worsen the dire situation.

Water is fast becoming a scarce commodity and instead of waiting for service providers to provide you with tap water, did you know that you can harvest your own water and shield yourself from problems associated with water shortages?

Why go to through all the trouble of talking about climate change, droughts, water shortages and water harvesting you may ask? Well it’s because we care and some situations require everyone in their individual capacity to be proactive rather than reactionary and share solutions that might help a lot of people.

Now back to the topic, how may you harvest water for everyday use? First you need a large surface area to collect rainfall during rainy seasons and if you are a home owner, the roof of your house is ideal for harvesting water.

For this idea to work it is advisable to install gutters on your roof to harvest as much water as possible. The rain from the roof will collect in the gutters and directed to any storage tanks, vessels, containers and the size of these storage units can vary depending on how much water you want to use and for what purposes.

You may be wondering how we got from water harvesting to talking about rain gutters? Well, here is why.

Instead of just using your gutters as a rain management system which protects your home and directs water away from its walls and foundation, gutters can also be used to harvest all that water which can be stored for use on some days when service providers fail to deliver this precious commodity to your house.