If you are into egg production, it is important that you have a bird laying nests for your layers to give you the maximum output. As Soltam Steel we specialize in the manufacturing and supply of birds laying nest for the commercial industry as well as for domestic use.

Hens have a natural instinct to lay their eggs somewhere safe, secure, secretive and comfortable and by providing steel bird laying nests you would have provided a conducive environment which encourages your birds to lay their eggs.

Happy hens lay healthy eggs. A proper nests ensures that you always get top-notch healthy eggs on a daily basis. If layers do not have a place to lay their eggs they may become upset which may affect the stress levels of other birds in the coop which affects egg production.

Failure to provide a laying nests for your layers may encourage your birds to seek a place to lay their eggs elsewhere which may make it difficult to find them and therefore the risk of suffering loses would be high.

The bird laying nests we manufacture and supply are can come as prefabricated structures which meet international standards. The nests can also be custom made as per your own instructions and specifications to meet your needs.

Our steel bird laying nests offer security for your layers and eggs from predators which may seek to prey on your layers or their eggs. A safe and secure environment for your layers might cause them to be broody frequently.

The nests we manufacture provide easy access to you, are easy to clean and roomy which are features made to encourage the birds to be broody and keep their stress levels low.